Paras #046
Bug/Grass 1', 12 lbs
HP:    SP:
AT:    DF:
SA:    SD:
Red/Blue/Yellow GS
LevelMove LevelMove
-Scratch -Scratch
13Stun Spore 7Stun Spore
20Leech Life 13PoisonPowder
27Spore 19Leech Life
34Slash 25Spore
41Growth 31Slash
 43Giga Drain

Compatible TMs:
03: Swords Dance   06: Toxic   08: Body Slam
09: Take Down   10: Double-Edge   20: Rage
21: Mega Drain   22: Solarbeam   28: Dig
31: Mimic   32: Double Team   33: Reflect
34: Bide   40: Skull Bash   44: Rest
50: Substitute   HM1: Cut

03: Curse   06: Toxic   08: Rock Smash
10: Hidden Power   11: Sunny Day   12: Sweet Scent
13: Snore   17: Protect   19: Giga Drain
20: Endure   21: Frustration   22: Solarbeam
27: Return   28: Dig   32: Double Team
34: Swagger   35: Sleep Talk   36: Sludge Bomb
44: Rest   45: Attract   46: Thief
49: Fury Cutter   HM1: Cut   HM5: Flash
Paras Parasect
Level 24
Burrows to suck
tree roots. The
mushrooms on its
back grow by draw-
ing nutrients from
the bug host.
Burrows under the
ground to gnaw on
tree roots. The
mushrooms on its
back absorb most
of the nutrition.
Grows by sucking
nutrients from the
roots of trees.
The mushrooms on
its back grow by
drawing extracts
from the bug host.
It is doused with
mushroom spores
when it is born.
As its body grows,
mushrooms sprout
out from its back.
As its body grows
large, oriental
mushrooms named
tochukaso start
sprouting out of
its back.
Red/Blue: Mt. Moon (Rare)
Safari Zone (Uncommon)
Yellow: Mt. Moon (Rare)
Safari Zone (Uncommon)
Gold/Silver: Ilex Forest (Rare in Day, Uncommon at Night)
Bug Catcher's Tournament, Mt. Moon (Uncommon)