Pikachu #025
Electric 1'4", 13 lbs
HP:    SP:
AT:    DF:
SA:    SD:
Red/Blue Yellow/GS
LevelMove LevelMove
-Thundershock -Thundershock
-Growl -Growl
9Thunder Wave 6Tail Whip
16Quick Attack 8Thunder Wave
26Swift 11Quick Attack
33Agility 15Double Team
43Thunder 20Slam
 50Light Screen

Compatible TMs:
01: Mega Punch   05: Mega Kick   06: Toxic
08: Body Slam   09: Take Down   10: Double-Edge
16: Pay Day   17: Submission   19:Seismic Toss
20: Rage   24: Thunderbolt   25: Thunder
31: Mimic   32: Double Team   33: Reflect
34: Bide   39: Swift   44: Rest
45: Thunder Wave   50: Substitute   HM5: Flash

01: DynamicPunch   02: Head Butt   03: Curse
04: Rollout   06: Toxic   07: Zap Cannon
10: Hidden Power   13: Snore   17: Protect
18: Rain Dance   20: Endure   21: Frustration
23: Iron Tail   25: Thunder   27: Return
31: Mud-Slap   32: Double Team   34: Swagger
35: Sleep Talk   39: Swift   40: Defense Curl
41: ThunderPunch   43: Detect   44: Rest
45: Attract   HM4: Strength   HM5: Flash
Pichu Pikachu
Thunder Stone
When several of
these POKéMON
gather, their
electricity could
build and cause
lightning storms.
It keeps its tail
raised to monitor
its surroundings.
If you yank its
tail, it will try
to bite you.
Lives in forests
away from people.
It stores elec-
tricity in its
cheeks for zapping
an enemy if it
is attacked.
This intelligent
POKéMON roasts
hard BERRIES with
electricity to
make them tender
enough to eat.
It raises its tail
to check its surr-
oundings. The tail
is sometimes
struck by light-
ning in this pose.
Red/Blue: Viridian Forest, Power Plant (Rare)
Yellow: Pallet Town (Only 1)
Gold/Silver: Route 2 (Rare)